Due To The COVID-19 Outbreak, All Support and Discussion Group Meetings Are Being Held Online. Contact LVRenaissanceinfo@gmail.com for Meeting Log-in Info.
Due To The COVID-19 Outbreak, All Support and Discussion Group Meetings Are Being Held Online. Contact LVRenaissanceinfo@gmail.com for Meeting Log-in Info.

Help LV Renaissance Help Others
Your thoughtful donation to Lehigh Valley Renaissance helps us to meet the needs of transgender and gender-non conforming people and their family members throughout our service area.
Donated funds are used to support
Supportive Services
Educational Programming
Scholarship Programs
Transportation Programs
Outreach Programs & Events
Arts Programming / Films
Printing Costs
Website Fees
Facility Rent
And much more
As a Program of the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project we encourage you to Donate Today.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check out to "Eastern PA Trans Equity Project" and send it to: 1807 Majestic Dr. Orefield, PA 18069.
Your contribution is tax deductible.
Thank You!