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Frequently Asked Questions

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Who can attend a meeting?

Our group maintains an open door policy to anyone who is transgender, their significant others, families, friends and allies or who has a professional and sincere interest in the Trans community.

If you are unsure if our meeting is right for you, contact us through this website.



Can I bring a friend/spouse to a meeting?

Certainly.  You are encouraged to invite family members, spouses, significant others, very close friends as well as other transgendered individuals. If you, as a member, have a concern about an invited guest, please let us know.

How much does it cost to join?

There is no fee to attend your first meeting.  Thereafter we do ask for a per meeting donation of $3 for members or $5 for non-members.  If you are experiencing financial hardship these donations are not required.


You can become a member of Lehigh Valley Renaissance for $25 per year (membership is pro-rated).  We use all donations to pay for meeting space and other general expenses of the group. 

What about privacy?

We are 100% committed to protecting our members' and guests' privacy. Any information shared in our meetings will stay "within our four walls."  All members and guests are required to abide by our privacy policy.


Can I change at the meeting?

Absolutely!  Bathroom facilities are available if you need to change and complete your make-up before the meeting begins. There are no shower facilities in the church.

Which bathroom do I use? 

As a general rule, we recommend using the bathroom that best aligns with the gender you are outwardly expressing (e.g. if dressed as a female use the ladies' room). 


What is the history of Lehigh Valley Renaissance?

We are an independent chapter of the Renaissance Transgender Association which is a loose affiliation of several transgender support groups.  We serve the needs of the transgender and crossdresser community of the Lehigh Valley and surrounding communities such as Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton and the nearby countties of Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Bucks and Monroe.

I am under the age of 18.  Can I attend a meeting?


Unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, you must be over 18 to participate in activities sposored by our group.


        Join Us At One Of Our Monthly Meetings!

© 2020 by Eastern PA Trans Equity Project

Resources and vendors listed on this website are provided as a service to the transgender community and are for informational purposes only.  Vendors, service providers, and organizations provide no compensation to Lehigh Velley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Inclusion in this listing does not imply any endorsement by Lehigh Valley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Lehigh Valley Renaissance and the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project accepts no claims or liability for services or information provided by organizations or firms in this listing.  All information provided on this website is provided on an "as-is" basis and no warranties or claims are implied.

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