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Video Content

Below are links to videos about transgender topics.  

        Join Us At One Of Our Monthly Meetings!

Masculinzing Hormone Therapy: Produced for Renaissance and the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project, this video will provide you with a summary of the latest information about Masculinizing Hormone Replacement Therapy..  You can link to all of the Renaissance/EPTEP videos here.

Health Across the Transgender Spectrum: In 2017, Stanford University launched a series of short training videos to increase understanding around transgender youth.  You can link to the full channel here or watch the first video below.

What Is Gender? from The Advocate Magazine

The T Word: Presented by Laverne Cox.  A MTV documentary

Her Story: An Emmy nominated, web-based, series about the lives of trans and queer women.  Please note that this series explores dating and relationships:  Click here for the Her Story website or watch episode one below.

National Geographic - The Gender Revolution:  Click here for access to clips from the National Geographic Documentary.

Learn about trans youth who are living their truth:  From the Transgender Law Center.  A series of short videos.

Why we need gender neutral bathrooms:  A TED talk by Ivan Coyote.  

© 2020 by Eastern PA Trans Equity Project

Resources and vendors listed on this website are provided as a service to the transgender community and are for informational purposes only.  Vendors, service providers, and organizations provide no compensation to Lehigh Velley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Inclusion in this listing does not imply any endorsement by Lehigh Valley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Lehigh Valley Renaissance and the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project accepts no claims or liability for services or information provided by organizations or firms in this listing.  All information provided on this website is provided on an "as-is" basis and no warranties or claims are implied.

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