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Monthly Dinner

Monthly Dinners

Prior to our monthly open transgender support meeting on the second Saturday of each month, several of us meet for dinner in a fun social setting at one of several restaurants around the Lehigh Valley.  The venue changes each month, so please check the monthly Renaissance Newsletter for details.


Everyone is invited to join us, but you must RSVP for dinner.    We like to provide the restaurants with an accurate headcount so they can accommodate our group and their other patrons as well.  Seating may be limited.


To RSVP, please click on one of the 'Register Now' links below to reserve your seat.  Your name and email are required. If you are bringing a guest, please sign them up separately.


Please help us maintain our well deserved and good status with our restaurant partners by making all efforts to join us when you sign up.  Please notify us immediately if you are unable to make it so that we can inform the restaurant and maintain our good relations with them. 




© 2020 by Eastern PA Trans Equity Project

Resources and vendors listed on this website are provided as a service to the transgender community and are for informational purposes only.  Vendors, service providers, and organizations provide no compensation to Lehigh Velley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Inclusion in this listing does not imply any endorsement by Lehigh Valley Renaissance or the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project.  Lehigh Valley Renaissance and the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project accepts no claims or liability for services or information provided by organizations or firms in this listing.  All information provided on this website is provided on an "as-is" basis and no warranties or claims are implied.

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