Tips for working with Transgender workers
Transgender people are employed in every industry and profession. Based on recent estimates by the Williams Institute at UCLA there are...
Should We Be Thankful For Caitlyn Jenner?
There are few people in the Transgender Community who are more controversial than Caitlyn Jenner. Whether it is her wealth, her...
Science Is Trying To Find A Biological Cause For Transgenderism – Do I Really Care?
I am thoroughly comfortable with the idea of being a transgender person. Other than trying to explain the trans experience to others, I...
Travelling While Transgender
Travelling as a transgender person takes what is already a stressful and unpleasant experience and magnifies the personal discomfort signifi
It Ain’t No Riddle
You see it on the news almost every night. Especially since the most recent Presidential election. Those with hateful attitudes toward...
A Manicure Leads to Deep Thoughts
I got my nails done the other day. I was getting ready for some important events and I wanted to look my best. As often happens when you...
A Friend or Relative Just Came Out To You – What Now?
When someone you care about trusts you enough to let you know that they are questioning their gender identity it can be a life changing...
12 Little Things You Can Do To Promote Trans Equality
We often wonder just what does it take to move a mountain like getting the larger community to accept (and hopefully) embrace...
When You Transition Everyone You Know Transitions Too
I began my so-called “path to transition” at the age of 54. That is when I finally said the words “I am transgender and I have to live...
Racing for Pride
Its @6pm on a warm Thursday evening and Christine Penn is astride her bicycle and checking her time from her latest criterium ride at the...